Tuesday, June 17, 2008

If You Have Not Learned Something New Everyday, You Have Wasted Your Day.

This weekend my grandkids came over to visit. We were in the kitchen and my 4 -year- old granddaughter was asking one question right after another, not even take a breath between. After a while I asked her how many question could one little girl have. She got a far away look on her face and said “about 200.” Laughing I had to ask… what about tomorrow?
She said “There will be more...”

Take a lesson from a 4-year-old and never stop learning.

Your Something New For Today

Uses for WD-40
Protects silver from tarnishing
Cleans and lubricates guitar strings
Removes lipstick stains
Loosens stubborn zippers
Untangles jewelry chains
Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing
Removes tomato stains from clothing
Keeps scissors working smoothly
Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes
Gives children’s play gym slide a shine for a super fast slide


Shirley Bahlmann said...

Wow, I need to get me some WD-40! How did I live without it?

Cindy Beck, author said...

What a cute story. And it's so true, that we need to keep learning, stretching and growing.

Thanks for the uses for WD-40, too!